I have a Shitsu mix names Ace. He’s so adorable and it breaks my heart…

I have a Shitsu mix names Ace. He’s so adorable and it breaks my heart when he doesn’t let me keep him that way. He doesn’t let me brush him AT ALL. He runs away as soon as he sees a brush and when I try to brush him he bites me and starts crying. Now, mostly around the neckline, he’s a tangled mess and when I try to cut it off with scissors he reacts the same way. I can’t afford to take him to the groomers so I don’t know what to do now…

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9 years ago

It sounds like you waited too long to resolve this problem. I would recommend seeing a vet, for two reasons – they might be able to sedate her so she can be cleaned up and groomed properly– they might help you determine whether her distaste for grooming stems from pain which can often be the case If pain is at the root of the problem, it needs to be addressed. If there is nothing medically wrong with her, you need to start training her to accept care right away. Check out Donna Hill’s youtube channel, she’s got some great videos… Read more »