What can I give my dog for hip pain?

What can I give my dog for hip pain?

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julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Betsy, if your dog is in pain you need to pop her to the Vet and find out what is causing it. If you are certain its her hips she may have Hip Dysplasia which is a whole different ball game.

Any medication you give her needs to be prescribed by a Vet….and only a Vet. She may need x rays too. This really is not something you can treat at home yourself without guidance from a professional.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

No offence intended Sonia but it is not safe to diagnose and medicate dogs without professional advice and guidance.

sonia de Nysschen
9 years ago

flexadrin. safe for animals and humans. can be purchased online and at most pharmacies and drug stores. it repairs and helps with inflammation and pain.. it is a natural product. im using it for more than twenty abused and stray animals. excellent even for athritis and any joint pains.

sonia de Nysschen
9 years ago

none taken i have used flexadrin on more than 40 dogs and cats and there is no side effect. its totally natural. and it works