What are my other options in what i can feed her. Any help much appreciated…

What are my other options in what i can feed her. Any help much appreciated, I’ve just had a baby so with me not working in starting to worry about Molly (the dog) of I can’t afford the next load of food.

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9 years ago

Jasmine had IBD caused by food allergies, which is likely the case with your dog as well. There are reasons behind prescription foods, they are easy to digest, provide all needed nutrition and some of them are either hypoallergenic or limited novel ingredient. With IBD, if offending ingredient gets reintroduced, you might end up with a flare-up again. With Jasmine, we managed her IBD with home-cooked diet, herbal therapy, probiotics and digestive enzymes. If your prescription food is hydrolyzed, you’d have to carefully try novel ingredient diet (ingredients your dog NEVER had before). Accomplishing this with home-cooked diet is easier… Read more »