She is putting little to no pressure on her right hind leg help
She is putting little to no pressure on her right hind leg help
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8 years ago
Put her on full crate rest for 24 hours. This means she’s only allowed out to toilet, and that should be on leash. When she’s done, she goes right back in the crate.
If, after 24 hours, she shows no improvement? To the vet.
Andrea Cox
8 years ago
Probably just a strain, pulled muscle, or brused the area. I’ve had cats and dogs that didn’t use limbs for weeks and they came to recover fully and I swore they were broke. However they can injure their spinal cord as well so keep an eye on other body parts and like the others said keep it calm and confined. In 48 hours if he doesn’t improve he needs to be seen by a vet. This should cost more than an office visit and maybe an xray. If he acts like it’s in bad pain then go to the vet… Read more »
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago
I agree with Laura! Keep her calm and quiet for 24 hours if she is still limping take her to the vet.
Put her on full crate rest for 24 hours. This means she’s only allowed out to toilet, and that should be on leash. When she’s done, she goes right back in the crate.
If, after 24 hours, she shows no improvement? To the vet.
Probably just a strain, pulled muscle, or brused the area. I’ve had cats and dogs that didn’t use limbs for weeks and they came to recover fully and I swore they were broke. However they can injure their spinal cord as well so keep an eye on other body parts and like the others said keep it calm and confined. In 48 hours if he doesn’t improve he needs to be seen by a vet. This should cost more than an office visit and maybe an xray. If he acts like it’s in bad pain then go to the vet… Read more »
I agree with Laura! Keep her calm and quiet for 24 hours if she is still limping take her to the vet.