Today out of the blue my 7 year old female Collie starting limping and it…

Today out of the blue my 7 year old female Collie starting limping and it has gotten worse throughout the day.

She isnt in pain or distress and is not off her food, just unable to put weight on her front left paw.

Its been about 8 hours now and shes gone from being able to put a little weight on it to walking on only 3 legs.

Im thinking it could possibly be a bee sting but was looking for advice????

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debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

Dogs express pain very differently than people do and they are not usually big babies about it. If not walking on that foot eases the pain she may have no symptom other than not walking on that foot. Since it’s been getting worse over the past eight hours I suggest you see a vet. Even if you examine her and find the problem it’s very likely she’ll require some kind of treatment even if it’s just antibiotics or antihistamines.

8 years ago

Firstly, I would beg to differ about the pain; there is a limp because there is a pain. Now, a limp in a front leg can be for a long list of reasons, sting could be one of them. Foreign body in the foot, infection in the foot … is there any swelling? But there could be an injury anywhere else on the leg and there even could be a neck issue resulting in a front leg limp (Jasmine had that). If you’re comfortable doing that I’d start with a thorough inspection of the foot, toes, nails, looking for any… Read more »