My dog Maizie is a mix Chocolate Lab Dalmation. She is going to turn…

My dog Maizie is a mix Chocolate Lab Dalmation. She is going to turn 14 in a month. Over the past year she has lost most of her muscle and her back legs look especially thin and wobbly. She has a large living room to live in and is let outside through a door with a very small step. What can I do for her to help her body be as strong and safe? Also, she eats best when her dry food is mixed with a little canned food, is that ok?

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Krista Magnifico
12 years ago

Hello, Thanks for your question. Congratulations on all of the things you must have been providing and giving to Maizie to get her to an astounding age of 14! Did you know that most labs and dalmatians only live to about 12? 14 years old is amazing! There are many things that you can do to help her age gracefully and maintain her strength, stamina, and vigor. Diet is a great place to start. Ask your veterinarian about which diets they like and recommend for her. I like Science diet J/D. The "J" is for joint. I also like a… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
12 years ago

I would love to see Maizie.

I can be reached at

Hope to see you soon!