What if my dog at too many milk bone brushing chews because they got into…

What if my dog at too many milk bone brushing chews because they got into box.

What do you watch for

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Ashley Steinhagen
Ashley Steinhagen
9 years ago

Luckly my dogs were okay. I have 3 dogs at my house all littermates… Thanks for the reply.

We didn’t give any dental bones for a week after that.

Ashley Steinhagen
Ashley Steinhagen
9 years ago

Nothing happen and they still acted like themselves

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi Ashley, your dog got into the biscuits did he! 

Depending on how many hes eaten look out for him throwing up, loose runny stools and obvious stomach bloating and pain. 

If he gets these 3 symptoms you need to take him to a Vet. Hopefully he will be alright but go easy on feeding him especially today and tomorrow. It takes up to 48 hours for food to go through a dogs system and it would be wise to let all these biscuits pass through before you give him more food on top. 

Hope hes ok!