Just a couple hours ago I came home and my dog was normal, or so…

Just a couple hours ago I came home and my dog was normal, or so he seemed, a couple minutes later he went to hide under a chair in my room and wouldnt come out, I offered him a treat and he wouldnt take it, he always does. I then took him for a walk which he was excited for but not as excited as normal. The entire walk he would slow down and speed up and did not pee or poop once. Then when I brought him back he went back to hiding and stayed down there, when I was in the shower he peed in the kitchen and the other bathroom but a small amount both times. He layed under there for another two hours and when I saw him in the hallway he stopped and I thought he was fine because he was walking around normally then suddenly he stopped curled up his tail and peed as if it was unintentional and when he walked back to his hiding spot he was leaking the entire way back to just lay down.

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9 years ago

sudden abnormal behavior should be met with a trip to the vet.  please get him in today.