I lost my other dog a month ago who had the same symptoms and…

I lost my other dog a month ago who had the same symptoms and was eventually diagnosed with unidentified gastrointestinal bleeding. He was 13 years old, I gave him two blood transfusions, x-rays and ultrasounds and they couldn’t find anything. It is strange that my other dog now has similar symptoms. His bloodwork seems to be pretty okay, though.

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Dana Schumacher
Dana Schumacher
9 years ago

Thank you for the advice. I did plan on taking him back to that vet but they are an emergency specialized hospital only and do not take appointments. I was going to wait a a couple days to see if the medicine (sucralfate and metronidazole) helped him before going to emergency. He did get into the bathroom garbage and throw up some gross things (i wont go into gross details) prior to getting the melena.

9 years ago

I’d be quite concerned about this. It is possible that the two things are not related but on the other hand it is possible they might be. How about a specialty hospital, where they’d review both dogs’ records in detail and could make recommendations? Or consultation with Dr. Donna Spector https://www.facebook.com/Dr-Donna-Spector-164741590205413/

Debbie Harris
Debbie Harris
9 years ago

First go to a different vet get the records from the vet or tell the new vet where you took the other dog and he can request them. If it were me I’d get recommendations for vet. before choosing one. I would definitely not go to the same vet.