My dog has recently consumed Waggin Trail Chicken Jerky treats and now she keeps puffing…

My dog has recently consumed Waggin Trail Chicken Jerky treats and now she keeps puffing with every shallow breath she takes, trembling, non stop walking around, and looks lethargic, I cannot afford to take her to vet. HELP PLEASE

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9 years ago

I agree to Laura. Sounds like she needs a vet. Is her tummy bloated? Does she try to vomit, without it working?
If this is bloat, she will die from it, if you don’t take he to a vet Depending on where you are from, try to find a vet, that makes a payment plan or seomething similar. Or maybe the Care Credit that Laura mentiuoned, but plkease take her to a vet..

9 years ago

unfortunately you’re going to need a vet, and fast.  consider Care Credit?  it works like a credit card and is interest-free for a year.

9 years ago

the brand mentioned has been fatal for a number of pets in the US. i would be more inclined to say the dog has been poisoned rather than experiencing bloat.