My dog is a rescue, best treatment for ear infections, Thanks, Kathy

My dog is a rescue, best treatment for ear infections, Thanks, Kathy

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

The best treatment for ear infections depends on what is causing the infections in the first place.  And the only way to be sure of the root cause is to have the ear swabbed and cultured (your vet will do this).  I say this because the infections can be yeast or one (or more) types of bacteria.  Each of these causes should be treated differently (a vet will use a different antibiotic based on what strain of bacteria is present for example). Just guessing will lead to a worse infection, or years of fighting infection after infection. And yes, Laura… Read more »

8 years ago

In the short term, head to the vet and have a discussion with them regarding keeping ears clean and dry.

In the long term, these can often be a symptom of food allergies.  What are you feeding now?  Shoot for something corn- and wheat-free and maybe look for something that has no chicken or beef in it.