Please do not say, take him to your vet. My dog is a Yorkie…

Please do not say, take him to your vet. My dog is a Yorkie, he is 9 years old and he has 2 tumors in his belly that have grown. They don’t know how long he has to live but my vet said that surgery isn’t an option because she believes he would only have a 10% chance of making it. This was two months ago and today his tummy is 4 times bigger than normal. A lot of it is fluid. I can feel his organs in his belly just floating in the fluid. Is there anything thing I can give him to help get rid of the fluid. I understand he doesn’t have much time but he is still full of life, my heart is breaking.

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c walkling
c walkling
9 years ago

Thank you Krista and Julie. I am going to call my vet and see if she would drain the fluid but I don’t think she will. Even though he is active he isn’t as active as he was a couple months ago and I am sad to say that there isn’t any meat on his body anymore. Thanks again !

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Oh no….I am so so sorry. This must be heartbreaking for you.

I honestly don’t think there is anything you can give him to get rid of this fluid. This, as I’m sure you know, happens with cancer.

The only way to get rid of it is to have it drained by the Vet. It won’t go any other way.But I think it will just build up again within a short time. 

Again my heart goes out to you.