My dog went to sleep last night perfectly fine and when she woke up this…

My dog went to sleep last night perfectly fine and when she woke up this morning she has lost completely mobility from her hind legs back (drags herself with her from legs and doesnt wag her tail) What should I do??

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Epiphany Dixon
Epiphany Dixon
9 years ago

I just wanted to update for anyone who might be in the same situation. My chihuahua is a very healthy dog and it turns out she ruptured a disk in her lower back. The vet is keeping her overnight and is going to give her some high doses of anti inflammatories and the vet says she should be walking again in a week! I came here first because I really don’t have the money to make a bill but it turns out that this whole visit cost less then 100$ and the vet is gonna allow me to make payment!… Read more »