My name is Ankush Singla from India. I have my friend from turkey. She has…

My name is Ankush Singla from India. I have my friend from turkey. She has a dog of breed mixture of wolf and Burmese …so we can say he is Burmese wolf . From last 7 days he is not eating. He is around 11 years old. She took him to doctor, he prescribed some medicines and giving some liquids to him through glucose bottles. But after three days of treatment, still hr is not eating…lay whole day and sad too. Before that he was never like that. What should she do ?,please help us because we can not see him in pain.

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Often when a dog decides to stop eating it means that they are going to die.  Eleven is an old dog when it is mixed with wolf.  Since the dog has been seen by  a doctor I would suspect there is not much to be done for this dog save to make him comfortable (manage his pain).

So sorry to hear of his troubles.