I checked his feet, nails, webbing, joints, etc. nothing is swollen and he does not…

I checked his feet, nails, webbing, joints, etc. nothing is swollen and he does not pull away or whimper when I touch of maneuver his leg. It has been two hours since running. He slept for awhile, but once he got up he was still limping, and it almost seemed a little worse. He is still happy (he got up for a treat).

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Elizabeth Mae
Elizabeth Mae
8 years ago

Thank you! He is a 2 year old golden retriever, and still really goofy when he runs (he doesn’t stop in time, runs into things, etc.) I’m hoping he just pulled something. My vet is closed until Monday, so I can’t call for any advice.

Elizabeth Mae
Elizabeth Mae
8 years ago

Thank you. He seems a little reluctant to get up, and he has trouble getting up the stairs. I just took him outside on a leash to go to the bathroom, and he was putting weight on it outside (still limping though), but holding it up again when we got inside. Is it possible that it is just a pulled muscle?

Elizabeth Mae
Elizabeth Mae
8 years ago

Thank you for your help! After looking at it a few more times, his ankle is slightly swollen, and that seems to be the area bothering him, so I’m thinking its a sprained ankle. I appreciate your help!

8 years ago

I would be willing to guess he pulled or strained something.  How old is he?  I’d have him on reduced exercise for 24-48 hours, and if he doesn’t improve, then I’d get him to the vet.

8 years ago

Put him on crate rest until then. That means no exercise, and all outside trips should be on leash.