my dog have all of a sudden lost all his weight and starting to refuse…

my dog have all of a sudden lost all his weight and starting to refuse his food. you can see his bones and im starting to worry about him can someone help me

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Ashleigh Mcguinness
Ashleigh Mcguinness
9 years ago

hes onli 3 and its my first dog myself after moving out. i dont have money for a vet at the minute. i have gave him a worming tablet and have another to give him. he is drinking and he will eat some out of my hand but not alot

Ashleigh Mcguinness
Ashleigh Mcguinness
9 years ago

i am caring for him.. i dont want him rehomed.. im not working atm thats why i dont have the money and have nothin of value to sell.

Ashleigh Mcguinness
Ashleigh Mcguinness
9 years ago

well just to let u knw he has startin eating again nd is drinking plenty and he is getting his energy back after he was wormed so for you to tell me to rehome my dog was wrong.. if i wasnt putting my dog first i wouldnt have been lookin for advice.. and apparently he had ate a slug thats wat made him so sick and loose weight

Ashleigh Mcguinness
Ashleigh Mcguinness
9 years ago

have ever struggled with not having a job. its not easy and vets can cost a fortune this is the first dog ive owned and like i said i was asking for advice not for someone to tell me to give him away. i panicked because he was sick and i had neva had to deal with it before. im not giving him away to anyone else

Ashleigh Mcguinness
Ashleigh Mcguinness
9 years ago

if the worming tablets didnt bring him round then i was going to take him to the vets yes. but i am only young myself and as ive said its my first proper pet and i panicked just

Ashleigh Mcguinness
Ashleigh Mcguinness
9 years ago

sori for being snappy with u

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Ashleigh, I’m sorry to hear this. You don’t say how old your dog is or if he is still eating and drinking. However, with symptoms like this you need to take him to a Vet urgently and have some tests done to see whats causing his weight loss. Please do take him,  weight loss like this means theres something serious going on. 

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Ashleigh please do NOT worm him at the moment unless you are 100% certain he has worms and they are causing his weight loss. You could make his problems worse and scouring his stomach with a wormer will not help him at all. Please do not put any further strain on his already weak system.  Please….you have to find the money from somehere to take him to a Vet. Borrow it, phone all the Vets see if they will let you have a payment plan….sell something..anything to get him to the Vet. If you don’t get this problem treated he… Read more »

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

As I said he will continue to go downhill unless you get this treated. Phone Animal Charities to see if they will help with the Vet bill…but he needs to see a Vet. Simply saying you are not rehoming him is not solving the problem …and you are not putting your dog first.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

From the symptoms you described your dog needed a Vet urgently. He obviously had worms. I’m pleased hes recovered. I would advise anyone who cannot care for a sick dog properly i.e. take him or her to a Vet…then let him or her go to someone who can.
You should not have a dog if you cannot afford Vet fees.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

We all panic with our first dog its a big responsibility having an love totally dependant on you. You won’t get unconditional love from a person like you get from a dog though….and its all worth it. You will learn as you go along like we all do…and 40 odd years down the line you’ll be answering questions on her too lol
I’m really pleased hes ok now and take care ok ?

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Stop taking it so personally Ashleigh. Its the same as I would say to anyone who couldn’t afford Vet bills. It wasn’t intended to offend you. To answer your question, yes I’ve struggled too…like most people these days. I’ve had situations where my dig needed the Vet and I didn’t have the cash…but I’ve robbed Peter to pay Paul, begged and borrowed to get them there. When you get a job I think you should consider getting him Insured. You won’t have this situation then..Vet fees will be covered. As I said you should always put your dog and his… Read more »