My dog has been throwing up clear fluid but I was just near her and…

My dog has been throwing up clear fluid but I was just near her and she threw up a thick white-yellowish consistency. I don’t know what could be going on with her? I hate to say this but I can’t afford to take her to the vet right now

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Deanna Nesteruk
Deanna Nesteruk
9 years ago

She has also been popping all over the place like its no big deal and it gets stuck all along her but and tail. Yesterday she pooped right where she was laying and didn’t even move…

Debbie Harris
Debbie Harris
9 years ago

The dog sounds like it has a virus better to be safe than sorry take it to a vet for an exam

Debbie Harris
Debbie Harris
9 years ago

There are hospitals that will give free exams. I took my doxin to the vet and she still passed away She had an infection. So all I can say is be deligent and if you need help finding some vet you can let me know