A few months ago, we adopted two pups from the same litter. They are blue…

A few months ago, we adopted two pups from the same litter. They are blue heeler/ Victorian bulldog mixes and they are the loves of our lives. Well they got into a few pretty bad fights, and we figured that they were just puppies and were just playing around. Well one day, they got into a HUGE fight to the point that one was dripping blood. From that point on, we have had to keep them separated- one of them is in the cage constantly. This is not fair to us or them, considering they are cattle dogs and shouldn’t ever be confined to such a small area so often. Plus it is nearly impossible to potty train them like this. So now we have two dogs who potty everywhere and fight with one another if they’re ever near each other. We desperately need help!

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Ash Scism
Ash Scism
8 years ago

They are almost a year old and have appointments scheduled to get fixed. You response is very insightful, but I do have one issue. One of them is a female. Does this make any difference? Thanks.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Sad to say, this if a common occurrence when you adopt two males from the same litter.  Either they grow up to be totally dependent on each other and can never be separated, OR they are in constant contention.  How old are they?  Have they been neutered?  If they are over 6 months old they need to be neutered.  This will help reduce the aggression.   However, it is not the cure.  You need to find a behaviorist NOW!  Don’t just pick any dog trainer – look for one that can come to your home and work with you there.… Read more »

8 years ago

littermate syndrome – the issue you’re experiencing – has nothing to do with sex. it has to do with raising two puppies of the same age together and not giving them time apart for training and socializing.

8 years ago

and i agree with PK, this NEEDS to be handled at home. anyone giving you further advice online is being reckless. you need someone in your home, watching your dogs interact. until this can happen, continue crating each dog separately and rotating which has freedom in the house. this will help you to keep them safe from each other. every fight will get worse, every interaction will escalate, and you may end up with a dead dog if you continue to allow them to be around each other.