One of them is a pit bull black lab mix, and the other is a…

One of them is a pit bull black lab mix, and the other is a pit bull rottweiler mix who is also fixed but the pit lab is not, not sure if this is relevant or not.

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Dr. Dawn is correct – you must get the second dog neutered, and even then you need to keep these dogs apart (so they can’t even see each other!) for several weeks afterward.  This gives time for the testosterone to work its way out of the new neutered dog’s system. Then, get the help of a professional behaviorist to reintroduce these two dogs – don’t attempt it yourself because they now have a history of aggression and will associate this aggression with each other.  You need someone that can read the tiny signs a dog gives when they are uncomfortable… Read more »

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

The  one dog not being fixed is definitely the reason for the aggression.  Get the 1 dog fixed ASAP then attempt reintroduction this may mean contacting an animal behaviorist for help.