My dogs left front paw towards where your wrist would be on a person and…

My dogs left front paw towards where your wrist would be on a person and the arm part as well it is very stiff and the swelling has been there for 3 weeks about every other day she has been limping very bad putting ice on it does not help

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Betheny Davis
Betheny Davis
9 years ago

I do not have money

Betheny Davis
Betheny Davis
9 years ago

She does get up and walk on it she even plays on it

Betheny Davis
Betheny Davis
9 years ago

Thank you

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

I seriously doubt this dog with a swollen joint is mimicking anything.  She could have a broken bone, or torn ligaments.  If rest has not solved the problem it is time to take her to see a vet.  Many vets offer Care Credit that allows you to make payments over time.  Some vets will allow you to work off payments.  Call the vets and rescue organizations in your area and tell them your problems – someone out there will help you and your dog get that medical treatment she deserves.  She is probably in terrible pain – dogs are very… Read more »

Eboni Wright
Eboni Wright
9 years ago

maybe you should get the dog a check up becouse if the ice didnt work it could be something seriouse .

Eboni Wright
Eboni Wright
9 years ago

try giving him treat the to the best of my knowledge , this should get him to stop laying around he could problay excersize it out like therepy , he might be just mimicking someone .

Eboni Wright
Eboni Wright
9 years ago

i guss so i was just thinking positive know one want to think so sickly about this creature . animals to mimic even dogs .