About a month ago I took my fur baby to the vet because he had…

About a month ago I took my fur baby to the vet because he had a get red dots on his paws that seemed like any bites but he keep licking his paws so I got him checked out to be on the safe side. When we took him in the vet didn’t seem to care much about the situation and just told us that he was not sure what the case was but he thought it was possibly an allergic reaction to something outside, which he was only outside while we worked during the day, so we started keeping him inside all day and only let him outside for potty breaks. The vet went ahead and perscriped Chomps some antibiotics and some pain medication in hopes that it would clear that “allergic reaction” while he was at the vet that day he also had a skin biopsy because when he was about 5 months he began to develop a skin disorder called demodex so we were making sure that he was still clear… All was well everything was clear. Well here we are a month later paws still red and inflammed. My poor baby is very very sensitive to his paws and is constantly licking them. He sleeps a lot more than he used to! I am very concerned but I unfortunately cannot afford to constantly take him to the vet to get unanswered diagnoses. I have been reading up on this situation and I don’t want to self diagnosed him but everything in this article is exactly what is going in with my big fur baby I just would like some professional advice please help! content://com.sec.android.app.sbrowser/readinglist/0728213356.mhtml

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8 years ago

What do you feed?  If there’s any grain or chicken in the food, try something else.  You want grain free and something with a novel protein.  I would also wash his feet every time he comes back inside and if this persists I would head to a veterinary dermatologist.