My 2 year old pit bull has a sever rash on his thighs up to…

My 2 year old pit bull has a sever rash on his thighs up to his chest and under arms. We rescued him a year ago and everything was fine but about 4 months after we got him the rash started appearing. By vet recommendation we moved him to gluten free food that helped for a little but the rash returned. Then the vet gave us allergy medicine. That worked until they were gone and then the rash was back again. Now the rash is worse than ever. It starts out looking like dry, irritated, inflamed skin around his thighs and under arms and then starts to peel and ooze. Up his chest he has red bumps that half look like pimples and half like hives. Our vet now wants to try allergy shots but I don’t want to do that unless I know it will work and nothing else will. I am very tight on money but what my baby to feel better.

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Christina Miller
Christina Miller
9 years ago

I was just wondering if the vet did a skin scraping to check for mange mites?