My dogs temperature is 100.04 what should it be when labour is going to start

My dogs temperature is 100.04 what should it be when labour is going to start

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Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

OK thank you for your time.I will ring vets in morning 🙂

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Could you give an estimate of how much in UK that will cost.I will contact a vet tomorrow

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

I have only took temperature once this smorning and it was ,100.04f. She was due 26th but no sign she is just her normal self.I have been told they can go up until their 70th long as their no signs of stress or problems

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Thank you.her tempature is now 99.14f.does that mean she will have them within the next 24 hours.

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

I have took it 3 times today first was 100.04f second was 99.14 and third was 99.32f. I have conta Ted a vet and they send to weight some dogs have pups late.she is not distressed.

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

OK thank you.your help was much appreciated

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

I will contact vet tomorrow thanks for advice
But is it right that bigger dogs can go up until 70 days pregnant and have no complications ???

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

They r both Rottweiler’s.both same size.I was told bigger dogs can go longer in pregnancy

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Her tempature is now 98.06 f

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Hi Krista my rottweiler was mated 22nd of january and was due 26th of march which makes her 4 days late.I don’t have any concerns at the moment as she is fyn no sign of labour.but her temperature is many days can dogs go over due?

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Ok thanks. Can u tell me if her temperature (98.96f) OK

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Could u also tell me what is the latest date they can have pups.

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Thanks what is latest date they can have pups if pregnant?