My dog started off with puking and not eating then she had diarrhea with some…

My dog started off with puking and not eating then she had diarrhea with some blood, we took her to the vet they wanted to keep her so we had her there for three days being that it was 4th of july weekend it was really expensive. They put her on antibiotics and fluids and when we picked her up we paid for antibiotics that we could bring home along with nausea medicine. She is home now and still very sick. She does not have parvo, I dont know what to do.

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Ashley Schrock
Ashley Schrock
8 years ago

How can I tell my dog is getting better, or any signs or recovering.

8 years ago

Hello, sorry to hear you dog is so sick. What did your vet say was wrong with her? I would call the vet back and explain that she is not getting better and ask them. You’ve already paid for your bill there, so give a call back and explain that she is still sick. If they cannot help, find a new vet. If you cannot afford it, reach out to local rescue organizations and ask if they have any programs that can help with assistance. Ask you vet if they have Care Credit (apply for it , ask you vet… Read more »