Dr. Magnifico, Hi, I was in to see you in February with my 18 yr old cat …

Dr. Magnifico,
Hi, I was in to see you in February with my 18 yr old cat Sophie. The morning throw- ups and lack of appetite got better for awhile. The appetite stimulator ointment really helped. But, we’re on a downward swing now. Sophie eats VERY little, yet still manages to throw it up. Yesterday, (Saturday) she ate hardly anything. Today she will not eat at all and has slept all day. So, I’m concerned about what to do. Best case scenario, she would die in her sleep. If she’s not eating, I would think this would happen. But, I don’t want her suffering. If I have her put to sleep at the vet’s, what’s the procedure since i can’t go in? I can’t imagine just handing her off to a stranger. I’m really struggling with this, so would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. If you feel its time to say goodbye we have a special protocol for this. One person can be with her in another building as you say goodbye. I know how hard it is to say goodbye and we are trying very hard to do this safely and compassionately. You don’t have to leave her alone and she will be with you. Everyone wears masks and only two staff members are present, the vet and a technician. . If you would like to discuss this, or anything else about your cat… Read more »

4 years ago

Maggie, my heart is with you. My old man cat is doing well right now but I fear the downward swing during this quarantine period.

I’m so sorry.