Hi Dr. Magnifico, For the past couple weeks, I’ve caught my black lab "scooting.&quot…

Hi Dr. Magnifico, For the past couple weeks, I’ve caught my black lab "scooting." What causes her to do this?

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello Dee, Thanks for your question. This is a common complaint from clients, and I have to admit a common activity of my beagle in my own home. He prefers the ‘sit-and-spin’ versus the scoot, but the underlying causes to scoot are universal. They are three primary reasons that pets scoot. They include, in order;1. Anal sacs are full.2. The butt itches, (specifically the rectal tissue).3. Worms, although honestly, I have never seen this. I have a few blogs written on anal sacs, you can find them at KMDVM.blogspot.com. <a href="http://kmdvm.blogspot.com/2012/12/anal-glands-scoot-story.html&quot; target="_blank">Scooting, Anal Sacs</a> The best way to check for… Read more »