My cats always choke on hairballs in their throats (without vomiting) so I would…

My cats always choke on hairballs in their throats (without vomiting) so I would prefer (if available online/in your local store) a dry cat food brand that eliminates/controls the hairballs in my cats’ throats in addition to the food being completely FREE of BY-PRODUCTS because 2 of my 3 cats have suffered from Meow-Mix (which contains by-products).

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Zaid Kilani
Zaid Kilani
8 years ago

Sorry if I startled you but I’m only visiting Turkey for this month (I actually live in Jordan) but I’m willing to order/ship cat food online because the available foods in Jordan are Meow Mix, Le Chat and Royal Canin. I’ve tried all these (both the wet and dry food versions) and my cats never seemed to like them.

8 years ago

Unfortunately, we don’t really know what’s available in Turkey.  Can you give us a list of what you can get there?