My dog got his duclaw caught on a piece of string and is whining a…

My dog got his duclaw caught on a piece of string and is whining a lot. Is there anything we can give him to help with the pain? He won’t let me near it to see how bad the damage is but if I can give him something, maybe he’ll settle enough to take a look.

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Megan Tholin
Megan Tholin
6 years ago

Best to bring your dog to your veterinarian who can administer sedation/pain meds and get a thorough exam of the foot/toe. If he has rear dewclaws, they may recommend surgical removal to avoid a reoccurrence.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I’m sorry but there isn’t anything safe to give him to sedate him enough for you to both look and and treat. Also start working with your dog so that you can keep the nails trimmed which makes ripping or traumatizing the nails less likely.