During the summer my cat Higgins (Higgy) was lying at the top of the stairs and …

During the summer my cat Higgins (Higgy) was lying at the top of the stairs and I noticed that she was lethargic, she’d lost a little bit of weight. After monitoring her for a day or two I noticed that she was unable to poop and she winced when I touched her stomach. To cut a long story short, she ended up being hospitalized for two days for an impacted colon. She’s been doing very well until a few days ago. We’ve been giving her lactulose, as prescribed by our vet and we’ve also given her a little Catlax. Her appetite is the same, I’ve been giving her only wet food, she’s drinking water like she normally would and, she is urinating plus, her weight is the same. Her behavior is normal, she’s playing and she’s already attacked the Christmas tree, but she hasn’t been to the bathroom for 5 days. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

In cases like this I try to teach people how to palpate their cat so they can monitor the size of the colon. This will help you understand and take care of the feces before it becomes obstipation.
In some cases there is an underlying problem that causes poor movement of the colon. I also recommend lots of exercise and bloodwork to look for other possible conditions like kidney disease or thyroid disease that might be complicating the condition.