My cat, Mitsi, is 18 years old. She doesn’t have any signs if the urinary…

My cat, Mitsi, is 18 years old. She doesn’t have any signs if the urinary tract infections or lumps or bumps. She has no problem going in her litter box though occasionally she trips and pees when she is getting in the box (it’s only 4 or 5 inches high).
To be more specific with her scratching, she has done it for years but now she screams and pees when she does it.
She’s peeing on everything now and a couple times a day, I don’t know what to do anymore.
My family doesn’t have enough money to take her to the vet and due to her age they probably wouldn’t let me, but thank you for any help!
She has no problem eating or drinking and she pukes every once in a while as she’s always done. Besides the scratching and peeing , she’s just like she’s always been.

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I would be worried about kidney disease and hypertension. Your vet can help with these. I am sory for the delay. the site was down. best wishes