We moved into an apartment since November and everything was fine in the beginning she…

We moved into an apartment since November and everything was fine in the beginning she was on the balcony all day and at night she would be in a crate in the bathroom. Recently she started peeing inside the crate so we have to bathe her daily and use strong cleaning products and it’s just making us sick. I just had a small surgery and cannot even walk in the bathroom because the wound could get infected. Please help !!!

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Yajhaira Quijada
Yajhaira Quijada
8 years ago

That’s why I’m asking for advice/ solutions obviously I don’t want to give her away but given my condition and just everything going on with her I’m not even giving her the treatment she should be getting… And as far as I’m concerned this is not a site where you go and bash people for their situations and or judge given you don’t know me lol.

Yajhaira Quijada
Yajhaira Quijada
8 years ago

I have taken her to the vet and she’s very healthy but unfortunately her age is starting to show. I do take her out multiple times after putting her in her crate to try and avoid her peeing inside but I believe it’s just happening in her sleep now or something and she can’t hold it anymore. Thank you for your suggestions but I would never take her to a shelter or have her put down. Definitely dog diapers is an option just afraid she might just want to rip them off but we’ll give them a try. Thanks again.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

You don’t need to use strong chemicals to clean up after your dog – vinegar will do the job.  Any kind of vinegar – Wal Mart has Cleaning Vinegar which has a lower pH, and it is found in the grocery section with all the other vinegar.  You can mix the vinegar with water, 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water.  This neutralizes the smell of urine, and kills bacteria/germs.  The vinegar smell disappears as it dries.  You can use the same mix to rinse her off when she has an accident – just stand her in the tub, hose her off with… Read more »

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Look at some youtube videos about introducing harness or muzzles to your dog – use the same principles for the diapers. Zak George has a good one to watch. Let her sniff and treat. Then touch it to her and treat, lay it on her back and then treat. Treat then remove it. Treat then remove it, repeat, repeat, repeat. Work slowly until it is finally on place. Take it off and treat. Put it on- take it off and treat. Put it on, lure her to take a few steps , take it off and treat. Repeat. Good luck.

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

The thought that someone would abandon a life long friend because she gets old or sick is beyond me. Would you do this to a parent or a child? Hate to say it out loud, but I’m so glad you are not related to me!

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

I was not trying to bash you at all. Just stating a fact. I am disabled and not in good health. Yet I still manage to care for my old ones and all the other rescues that get dumped over my fence. Many of them old and confused and possibly sick. It’s hard and it’s heartbreaking to see these dogs who with a small amount of care become well again. Most I am able to place, but the old ones always end up staying with me. Maybe I said what I did because I care too much.

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

I have found that as a dog ages they just can’t hold it long enough any more. Even older dogs usually take to paper training. Maybe you could try that. My Rheana is 17 and now lives in the corner of the couch. When she wants down she scratches my leg or the corner of the couch. She can no longer make the trek through the house to go out the doggy door. At 15 I was able to paper train her and she now goes on a piece newspaper under the coffee table only a foot away.

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

Unfortunatly I’m the kind of person that just states the fact as I see it. Sometimes it’s taken wrong. I care for dogs more than I care for most people. What you said about Savannah touched my heart. I feel the same way.