Anyone else have an extremely hyper active standard poodle?

Anyone else have an extremely hyper active standard poodle?

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Ashley Labelle
Ashley Labelle
9 years ago

I don’t do much really and if I knew what that was I would try it! I have 4 dogs and it’s a full time job lol I was trying to find a trainer in my area but there’s no one 🙁

Ashley Labelle
Ashley Labelle
9 years ago

Just need to know I’m not alone lol

Ashley Labelle
Ashley Labelle
9 years ago

Not much lately but I could run her for 10 hours and she still goes she doesn’t stop and she’s close to psychotic and I mean jumps 2 feet in the air every 5 seconds lol.

Ashley Labelle
Ashley Labelle
9 years ago

Our other dogs are older and pretty good and calm. She’s young and just out of control! Thanks for the link 🙂

9 years ago

my neighbor does.  he walks his boy 4 miles a day, plays fetch with him, then sends him to my yard to play with my doberman.

what’s your question?

9 years ago

they can certainly be a challenge, but if you work his brain, he’ll be quite a bit more manageable. 🙂 what sort of training do you do with him?

9 years ago

yeah…work on training. just a half hour of training will wear her out…i’m serious! 🙂 plus, poods are SO smart that she could pick up something useful. what does she know beyond basic obedience? have you considered something like nosework or lure coursing?

9 years ago

well, fortunately, you can train nosework at home! you can also train basic obedience at home. a good source for training courses would be Denise Fenzi’s online sport dog training:

nosework is scent detection, and it REALLY wears their brains out!

good luck. i know how tough dogs can be – we just have our doberdork, because i honestly would NOT be able to handle trying to train two dogs, let alone 4!