My 7 yr old #@!#er spaniel is a pet UNTIL visitors call or leave. …

My 7 yr old #@!#er spaniel is a pet UNTIL visitors call or leave. Then she gets so hyper, Barks its impossible to calm her. Then I get agitated also. I was thinking of buying a whistle, might this help to ground her. I tried a Kong filled with treats which worked initially but no.

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7 years ago

Something like that certainly can be playing a role. Kids are quite stressful for most dogs unless they get used to them. I know Jasmine, who loved kids, would get upset if a kid started screaming or shrieking, for example. It’s easy to get stressed over things one doesn’t understand. There could be other things at play, such as more attention taken away from her etc. I always wondered what I’d do to get my dog be okay with baby crying and screaming if I had to. I always wondered whether a recording of such could be used in the… Read more »

7 years ago

These things don’t have a quick solution and need to be worked on gradually. Find out about clicker training. And then you need to work on changing the way she feels about things step by step. Probably starting from the knock on the door/doorbell ring … get your friends work with you on these sessions. Only when you change she feels about things you’ll change the behavior successfully to everybody’s happiness. Look up Donna Hill’s YouTube channel, she has some very good instructional videos. Other things to do is to give her a safe place she can retrieve to as… Read more »