Eww gross! This morning, I saw one of the dogs nosing in the dirt and figured …

Eww gross! This morning, I saw one of the dogs nosing in the dirt and figured that he smelled cat poop- I said “no” and he left it but ran straight back when I turned to continue walking everyone. So I ran back to make sure he didn’t eat it (why is cat poop a delicacy to dogs?????) and I saw him with a leopard slug in his mouth. Ugh! I don’t know what is worse? He did not eat it- he dropped it. I’m guessing that he probably has eaten them before. Are they dangerous or just protein?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

All of the items you mention are the highlight of your dogs walk. Gross as it might be. They are at their best, living their best life, with the wind in their faces the dirt on their feet and a delectable tidbit just at the tip of their tongue. If you didn’t see drooling right after then it’s probably very safe.
My dogs new favorites are the mostly dried out dead worms on the driveway. Yummy!


Lucky happy dogs. Be well all