My father told once that animals, cats in particular, would become very affectionate, clingy, and…

My father told once that animals, cats in particular, would become very affectionate, clingy, and purr loudly when the were seriously ill and death was imminent. Is that true? Those thoughts have always made loosing a pet difficult for me. The one time an animal desperately needs, and is communicating that to me I can’t help them even after they have spent their lifetime showing me unconditional love.

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I have seen some cats go quiet and some purr. It is, as with all things cats, to each their own.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I do think that all animals are far more intelligent, intuitive and superior than we humans give them credit for,, especially when it comes to death (and life).