So my husband passed away 2 months ago we had 3 cats since they were…

So my husband passed away 2 months ago we had 3 cats since they were 6 weeks old they are now 4 years old well animal control came and took my dog and 3 cats well I got my male cat back but his sisters were adopted out but this is his 2 night home and he is being really fiesty and keeps meowing and he just looks at me like he wants to pounce on me.. He was in Halifax humane society for 2 months..

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8 years ago

first of all, i’m so sorry for your losses and all of your upheaval.  that’s a lot to deal with all at once.  i hope you’re doing okay.

secondly, he may just need reacclimation to your home.  please try to be patient with him.  my male cat was this way when i brought him home from the shelter…he was absolutely NUTS for a while.  the only thing that really helped was increased interactive playtime, so i bought a wand toy and went “fishing.”  that seemed to help.