Have a female American Bulldogog at the end of a heat cycle. She will be…

Have a female American Bulldogog at the end of a heat cycle. She will be spayed Very soon. However, she has started fighting with my other female, an Alapaha Bulldog. Unspayed dog new to house 4 weeks no problems until a few days ago.

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Erika Graham
Erika Graham
9 years ago

We spay all,of our dogs. The only one that isn’t is the new edition. We were told that she had been already. Took her in for a check up and found out she was just beginning a heat. We are waiting for that heat cycle to end. She is a sweet dog and they have gotten along well together until two days ago. I was questioning if the heat could cause this sudden aggression?

Laura Kyle
9 years ago

Sorry, it sounded like you had 2 intact females in your home. Having a dog in heat can definitely cause some aggression. I hope that is all it is

Laura Kyle
9 years ago

This sounds like a recipe for disaster. I would spay both of your dogs ASAP. In my experience, fights between new pack members always begun 4-6 weeks after the new dog arrived. There is kind of an initial grace period where everyone is adjusting, getting comfortable, and figuring out what the rules are in the home. Having to intact dogs is only going to intensify a problem that may already be there. I truly hope that spaying you dogs will be the solution to your problem, however if it is not I would recommend an trainer how specializes in dog… Read more »