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Annette Brown
Annette Brown
9 years ago

Thanks for the advice, I took that advice n went to the vet today. She had a ear infection, n the vet treated her. He said I caught it right away. So thanks for the advice, I will also use the recipe if need to forward my outside cats. Thanks again annette

Robin Laybolt
Robin Laybolt
9 years ago

Hi Annette, well the good news is it doesn’t sound like ear mites cause if it was you would be in trouble, when a cat has ear mites the discharge is a black color. The problem you do have is white or cream colored discharge could be any number of things. What i do when my cats get a ear infection is use white vinegar and water, in a little container put 50%water and 50% vinegar then you put 2 little drops in each ear, if you are useing a big dropper then only put 1 drop in each ear… Read more »