She is a spayed female, around 2 years old. She cannot urinate, and has a…

She is a spayed female, around 2 years old. She cannot urinate, and has a clear discharge with some blood coming from her vulva.

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Ashley Martin
Ashley Martin
9 years ago

****Also all vets are closed until Monday. I called everywhere, so in the meantime I’d appreaciate any advice

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

You have to take her to an Emergency Vet now!!!! 

If she can’t urinate her bladder will have ruptured by Monday, and thats fatal…..this is urgent you cannot leave it that long. 

dakoda peterson
dakoda peterson
9 years ago

Go to your vet it sounds like an obstruction and it could be dangerous. With no urination your dog could possibly be developing kidney issues as well. Cysts can develops in the liver and kidneys causing blockage. Those are my thoughts

dakoda peterson
dakoda peterson
9 years ago

Animal vets can be called in this is an emergent. Find an animal hospital if possible