The two females dog never fought before. I dont know why they wont get along…

The two females dog never fought before. I dont know why they wont get along anymore.

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Erick Hernandez
Erick Hernandez
8 years ago

Well they are siberian husky. Why does she need to be desexed before the puppies happen? Why should i desex all of them. I got the male because i wanted puppies but i didnt know they would fight

Erick Hernandez
Erick Hernandez
8 years ago

Can i get help from someone that is actually trying to help? Can you please just answer the question and not hate on what im doing. Please be mature about this. I care a lot about my dogs.

Erick Hernandez
Erick Hernandez
8 years ago

Thank you for your advice. That actually really helped me

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I agree with Laura on all counts – breeding dogs should be done by people that understand a breed, want to improve the breed, or breed dogs for a particular purpose, and have a full understanding of how to go about it. NOT because they want some cute puppies or because they think they can make money selling the pups. It is okay to be a novice at this – but you should have educated yourself by reading a few books, or finding a mentor long before you threw three dogs together and hoped for the best. And especially with… Read more »

8 years ago

Intact bitches will fight, especially if they’re of a breed known for same sex aggression.  You need to get all three desexed…the bitch he mated with needs to be desexed NOW, before puppies happen.

Also, be prepared to crate the bitches separately.  Once bitch fights start, depending on the breed, they may never stop.

8 years ago

Your lack of experience speaks volumes, Erick.

What sort of health testing have you done on them? What is your intention for breeding? Who is your mentor? What happens when a puppy gets stuck and you need an emergency cesarean on the dam? How do you know these dogs SHOULD be bred?

Please, leave breeding to people who’ve put the time in to learn more about their breed. Please. Don’t contribute to the overwhelming number of dogs in shelters.

8 years ago

I am being mature. There is no easy answer to the aggression problem. This could have been started with irresponsible breeding (the other bitch shouldn’t have been permitted anywhere near the breeding couple while they were tied). This could be hormone related. This could be due to questionable temperament of the dogs living in your yard. In truth, you will most likely have to deal with bitch fights until you start crating both bitches and rotating which is permitted out of the crate OR until you rehome one of them. Bitch fights only escalate. Beyond that, I have said my… Read more »