My female DSH is ~2yrs & suffers from allergies. She constantly has lesions on her…

My female DSH is ~2yrs & suffers from allergies. She constantly has lesions on her stomach. She licks and chews effected skin often. Atopica doesn’t work. for her. I’m hesitant to use steroids for a long period of time. Suggestions?

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

Have you gotten all grains out of his/her diet?  No grains in food or treats.  Find a grain-free kibble that lists real meat as the first 2 or 3 ingredients.  Real meat will be: beef, lamb, elk, salmon meal, etc.  Do not buy anything that lists “by-products” in the ingredients – they could be nothing more than feathers. To help the skin heal you can rinse her once per day (short haired dogs, less often for long-haired dogs, you don’t want her constantly moist) with a mix of 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water.  Allow this to dry on her skin.… Read more »

9 years ago

this might sound weird, but have you had her thyroid checked?  a friend of mine had a young cat with excessive grooming habits and it turned out to be thyroid problems.