My Female Netherlands Dwarf bunny is kinda aggressive towards me when i hold her…

My Female Netherlands Dwarf bunny is kinda aggressive towards me when i hold her or pet her . She is spayed and she is like a year and a few months old. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions as to why she acts like this or how i can help her?
Thank you so much

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Hello, I would need a lot more background information about the rabbits and your home to start helping. I would start by making sure everyone is healthy by talking to your vet. We always need to make sure everyone is healthy and normal before we assume this is only a behavioral issue. Start with physical barriers to keep them seperated to keep them from getting upset when they see one another. Then you can start training by using some of their favorite treats to reward the rabbit who is behaving as you want them to. We always ignore bad behavior… Read more »