I have a female pit bull pup and I don’t know why bit she eats…

I have a female pit bull pup and I don’t know why bit she eats sticks chuncks of wood I clean the yard get anything that’s wood out and then she eats on our trees why does she eat them please help

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julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Puppies, like babies test things with their mouths especially if teething.

You do need to watch her though if she swallowed a peice of wood it could cause all sorts of serious problems. Try and distract her with a toy or a treat…..hopefully she will grow out of it. You could train her not to chew wood too….you’d have to catch her in the act…..calmly and firmly say NO get her to come to you, lots of praise and a treat. Its not too soon for calm sensible training.