Betty has always been what I call a scaredy cat but hasn’t always sprayed it…

Betty has always been what I call a scaredy cat but hasn’t always sprayed it seems to be after we moved house. I don’t think it was the house move but around me are a lot of cats and this makes her nervous she is constantly sat at a window.
She loves the baby and I feel like she is spraying as a way of claiming and protecting the home but obviously it’s not good for the baby! I’ve wondered if she has behavioural issues but am worried to take her to the vet with high costs if that’s not the issue. I’ve tried plug ins also. Basically I need advice. O find out what a vet would do to determine if she needs treatment and what kind of treatment it would be! Thank you

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Charlotte Vokes
Charlotte Vokes
8 years ago

Thank you! She uses her litter tray though still so I have no problem in that! It’s only when I seem to have my window open she does it, I’m presuming due to all the other cats in the area! I love her but with him starting to move around I need to get it sorted for both of their sakes! X