I have a 1 year old female Staffordshire Terrier that my wife and I were…

I have a 1 year old female Staffordshire Terrier that my wife and I were considering turning into my service dog. After talking, her and I thought maybe we could get another dog and train one or both of them. As staffies being a bull breed member–thus she is somewhat dog aggresive–are there any breeds out there that would be compatible with a staffie?

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I would not say that staffues are “commonly dog aggressive”. They are like every other dog a product of their genetics and training. Every dog is different and no two are exactly alike. Ask the trainer who will be your service guide dog mentor for help in finding a dog that meets your needs both emotionally and physically. And then see how they do with your existing dog. It is always a process and it takes time and patience. It also takes knowing your abilities and limitations. Good luck