I need help finding a surgeon for luxation of both scapula in a cat. I’ve…

I need help finding a surgeon for luxation of both scapula in a cat. I’ve been to two vets, called countless surgeons in multiple states, and even emailed a professor who wrote one of the articles I have found on the issue. All of them say something different (with the exception of the email that has yet to be returned). My vet said they couldn’t do anything but take x-rays, a second opinion (regular vet practice) offered injections of Adequan (which won’t fix the problem). When I asked my vet about the effectiveness of injections they turned around and said they’d sell me Ichon injections (which seem even more questionable) which is interesting they didn’t suggest it sooner if they could.
Of the surgeons I’ve called, I’ve asked all of them if they have experience in this rare condition. Surgery isn’t the only option; I’ve done my research. Surgery isn’t always the best treatment depending on severity and individual factors of the cat. But all of them seem to be selling the surgery. They won’t consider anything else.
Everyone wants me to bring him in so they can take their own x-rays and do their own exam, which I understand to a point but I’m a student with only so much money. While I’m willing to put what it takes if my cat needs surgery, I don’t want to spend thousands just on consults before we even do a potential surgery. And what am I supposed to do but get another opinion when everyone gives me a different diagnosis that fits their practice? One hospital even said bring the cat to their ER now which I know is wrong because I know while he may be uncomfortable, he is not in pain. I would not let him be in severe pain. I don’t want him uncomfortable either, but I need to know that I’m making the best decision not just being sold a service *especially* if it’s one he doesn’t need.
Please, please, please let me know if you know of anyone with experience in this area. Private practice to university professor wanting to use it as educational- I just need someone with experience beyond “knowing how to do it in theory.” Any help is beyond appreciated!!

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Where are you?