We moved into this apartment in February of this year, beautiful home out the country…

We moved into this apartment in February of this year, beautiful home out the country across from a farm. Anyway, the previous people had outside animals including dogs and cats. My boyfriend are thinking that they never did anything for the flea issue and we are taking on their issue. We have done at home remedies and chemicals, nothing is working! Our upstairs where the cats litter box was, is infested with these parasites. Can somebody give us some feedback?

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Ashley Blanchard
Ashley Blanchard
8 years ago

Thank you for your advice! We are getting flea collars for our cats to see if that works. Unfortunately, the landlords will not do anything about it, sadly. We also do not have the money to get a professional out here to take care of these parasites, so we are working with what we got. We have used raid spray for bed bugs/flea/dust mites that has worked a bit, but we need to spray again. These fleas are never ending…

Ashley Blanchard
Ashley Blanchard
8 years ago

Thank you for your advice, much appreciated! Capstar may work great but, I am not sure how I feel about giving my animals something that they ingest, just seems off putting to me! We vacuum every other day, we have a bagless and wet vac that we use to vacuum our home with. We have no carpet in our home, just hardwood floors so it is a little easier to keep up with. We have tried raid flea spray that you spray around your home, we think it worked a little bit, but where their cat box used to be… Read more »

Ashley Blanchard
Ashley Blanchard
8 years ago

Ohhh damn, maybe I wont get the collars then. I have tried frontline, it was a waste of money and did not work for us. We vacuum every other day, I will have to try the moth ball thing!

Ashley Blanchard
Ashley Blanchard
8 years ago

Dang, you are the second person to say that the collars do not work… so I will not be trying them. We have sprayed and we always vacuum and mop the floors after I do not want my fur babies tracking through poison. The fleas are not terrible in our living room, kitchen, and bathroom. However, once you step foot into the upstairs where their box used to be, it’s loaded with fleas. We live in an old farm-house so there is cracks in the floor, and I am 99.9% sure they have been laying eggs in the cracks and… Read more »

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

OK this is is what I have done many many times over the years helping friends and family and it works 100% of the time. It takes some time, effort, a little money, and mostly, elbow grease. First thing you need is to purchase some flea killing pills called Capstar. Ebay, or a vets office or online, the animal swallows the pill and 30 min later all fleas are on the ground dead.  Order them today. Then go out and get a good flea med. Some vets won’t give you any if you haven’t been seen by them, so I… Read more »

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

Flea collars won’t do anything and just annoy the animal that isn’t used to them. If you have hard wood floors getting rid of the fleas should be easier. You haven’t tried to bug bomb the room with the litter boxes yet so that is the best bet. That room needs to be bombed and vacuumed over and over again. Not a spray but an actual bug bomb that you leave in the room for a day. Make sure to clean up after using raid and bug bombs.