Oh, Frontline Plus – I think the fleas eat that for breakfast!

Oh, Frontline Plus – I think the fleas eat that for breakfast!

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Jamie Mayhew
Jamie Mayhew
9 years ago

A situation of severe fleas can be tough to completely eliminate. If you have already tried treating your dogs and house but are still suffering you may need to go to the extreme- my suggestion is time consuming, but has worked for me in the past: Fleas have a cycle and without destroying every stage of the cycle they will just continue to breed and jump straight back on your dogs. 1. Fleas travel so I would treat your whole house (use a good house flea treatment as some can just slow down the process instead of actually killing the… Read more »

Lauren Candlish
Lauren Candlish
9 years ago

I’m not to sure on how you can stop/treat this but I hope your dogs are ok. The only thing I can suggest after everything you have already tried is, after a big soapy bath, use a flea comb and then put on a spray. I think that combination could definitely make the situation better. I’m assuming you have more than one dog because you said dogs? If that’s the case I think you should have a separate comb for each one so as not to spread fleas and also bath separately if not already. (Also clean the bath after… Read more »