He is 2 years old he is a sharpea, rott, pit, and lab mix, he…

He is 2 years old he is a sharpea, rott, pit, and lab mix, he has had double hip surgery due to hip displasia at the age of one. I am having a hard time with him keeping his weight on and is a really picky dog when it comes to food.

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Kate McKelvie
Kate McKelvie
9 years ago

Dear Casey,

Have you tried any of the canned foods?  In regards to dry foods, Pro Plan’s and Rice has freeze dried chicken in it, and is a widely accepted food.  Usually with hip dysplasia we have to fight to kee dogs light- not beg them to eat 🙁








julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

I live in the UK so have different foods here. However find the best quality kibble you can, which has meat as the first two ingredients is holistic and doesn’t contain corn, preferably no grain. Dogs cannot digest it and its just a filler that comes out the other end.

I wouldn’t feed raw unless you are confident you know what you are doing and can find a balanced ready made raw diet. 

If your dog is fussy you could always add a little high quality wet food to his meals or chicken/lean minced beef ect.  

Hope this helps!