For those of you Pawbly friends that have been following my progress and at times lack …

For those of you Pawbly friends that have been following my progress and at times lack thereof, with the dogs….. this is where we are at today. Riva is out of her cone and Rontu has not displayed any possessive tendencies. I’m rolling with it having a watchful eye on their interactions. They’re in a good place today, so I’m using it as a training opportunity. And training activities you care to share are welcome.????????????

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello! I’m so glad to hear things are going well today. My personal concern is that the issue lies with having two strong personalities in the mix of a close household. Triggers can change and spur on a moment so our advice is to always keep them under close supervision try to avoid feeding together and toys that might instigate frustration or possession and keep them exercised and engaged in their world so they don’t turn on each other. As far as training goes I would look for the clues that a trigger is about to happen. Any changes in… Read more »